● 微纳尺度材料变形机制、晶体内缺陷演化行为
● 原位透射/扫描力、热、电纳米力学测试,亚微尺度原位摩擦磨损
● 高性能高熵合金材料设计、制备及性能研究
● 2016年/01至今 必赢242net官网,材料科学与工程学院,副教授
● 2014/10-2015/11美国加州大学伯克利分校核工程系,访问学者(公派博士后),合作导师:Peter Hosemann
● 2012/10-2016/01必赢242net官网,材料科学与工程学院,讲师
● 2004/09-2012/06,必赢242net官网,材料科学与工程学院,硕博连读,导师:单智伟、孙军
● 2000/09-2004/06,必赢242net官网,材料科学与工程学院,本科
● 国家自然科学基金, 面上项目,51971167, 化学短程有序度对CrCoNi中熵合金力学性能调控的微观机理研究,2020-01至2023-12,61万元, 在研, 主持。
● 国家自然科学基金青年基金,51401159,单晶铁氢脆微观损伤机理的原位定量研究,2015/01-2017/12,25万元,已结题,主持。
(1) 丁俊*,王章洁*.高熵合金中的局域化学有序[J].金属学报, 57(4):12,413-424,2021
(2) Huan-Huan Lu,Zhang-Jie Wang*, DiYun, Ju Li*, Zhi-Wei Shan*,
(3) A new approach of using Lorentz force to study single-asperity friction inside TEM, Journal of Materials Science &Technology, 2021.09.10, 84:43~48
(4) Zhang-Jie Wang, Qing-Jie Li, Yao Li, Long-Chao Huang, Lei Lu, Ming Dao*, Ju Li, Evan Ma*, Subra Suresh, Zhi-Wei Shan*, Sliding of coherent twin boundaries , Nature Communications, 2017.10.24, 8(1): 0~1108
(5) Zi-Jiao Zhang, Hong-Wei Sheng,Zhang-Jie Wang, Bernd Gludovatz, Ze Zhang, Easo P. George, Qian Yu*, Scott X. Mao*, Robert O. Ritchie*, Dislocation mechanisms and 3D twin architectures generate exceptional strength-ductility-toughness combination in CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy, Nature Communications, 2017, 8: 0~14390
(6) De-Gang Xie, Su-Zhi Li, Meng Li,Zhang-Jie Wang, Peter Gumbsch, Jun Sun, Evan Ma*, Ju Li*, Zhi-Wei Shan*, Hydrogenated vacancies lock dislocations in aluminium, Nature Communications, 2016, 7: 13341
(7) Zhang-Jie Wang, Frances I. Allen; Zhi-Wei Shan*, Peter Hosemann*, Mechanical behavior of copper containing a gas-bubble superlattice, Acta Materialia, 2016, 121: 78~84
(8) Yi-Nan Cui, Zhan-Li Liu*, Zhuo Zhuang*,Zhang-Jie Wang, Mechanicalannealing under low-amplitude cyclic loading in micropillars, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2016, 89: 1~15
(9) Zhang-Jie Wang,Qing-Jie Li, Yi-Nan Cui, Zhan-Li Liu, Evan Ma, Ju Li, Jun Sun, Zhuo Zhuang, Ming Dao*, Zhi-Wei Shan*, Subra Suresh* , Cyclic deformation leads to defect healing and strengthening of small-volume metal crystals, PNAS, 2015.11.3, 112(44): 13502~13507
(10) De-Gang Xie,Zhang-Jie Wang, Jun Sun, Ju Li, Evan Ma, Zhi-Wei Shan, In situ study of the initiation of hydrogen bubbles at the aluminium metal/oxide interface, Nature Materials, 2015.6.29, 14: 899~904
(11) Rui Huang, Qing-Jie Li,Zhang-Jie Wang, Ling Huang, Ju Li, Evan Ma, Zhi-Wei Shan* , Flow Stress in Submicron BCC Iron Single Crystals: Sample-size-dependent Strain-rate Sensitivity and Rate-dependent Size Strengthening, Materials Research Letters, 2015, 3(3): 121~127
(12) Zhang-Jie Wang*, Zhi-Wei Shan, Ju Li*, Jun Sun, Evan Ma, An index for deformation controllability of small-volume materials, Science China Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(4): 663~670
(13) Zhang-Jie Wang, Zhi-Wei Shan*, Ju Li*, Jun Sun, Evan Ma, Pristine-to-pristine regime of plastic deformation in submicron-sized single crystal gold particles , Acta Materialia, 2012.02, 60(3): 1368~1377
(14) Zhang-Jie Wang, Qing-Jie Li, Zhi-Wei Shan*, Ju Li*, Jun Sun, Evan Ma*, Sample size effects on the large strain bursts in submicron aluminum pillars, Applied Physics Letters, 2012.02.13, 100(7): 0~071906
(15) FengJiang,Zhang-Jie Wang, Zhi-Bo Zhang, Jun Sun*, Formation of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses from low purity materials by scandium addition, Scripta Materialia, 2005, 53(5): 487~491
● 王章洁(2/5),微纳尺度典型金属材料的力学特性及其内在机理,陕西省教育厅,陕西省高等学校科学技术奖,一等奖, 2017.04.01,(单智伟;王章洁;田琳;刘博宇;孙军)
● 王章洁(2/5),微纳尺度典型金属材料的力学特性及其内在机理,陕西省科学技术厅,陕西省科学技术奖,一等奖, 2018.2.12,(单智伟;王章洁;田琳;刘博宇;汪承材)
● 材料科学基础II,本科核心专业课