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2020.08-至今     必赢242net官网   材料科学与工程学院  副教授

2017.07-2020.07  必赢242net官网   材料科学与工程学院  助理研究员


科研项目一:基于组织遗传的层状超细晶双相钢制备及强韧化机理研究, 国家自然科学基金(青年基金),51801144,2019.1-2021.12, 29.84万元, 主持








1. Junjie Sun, Shengwu Guo, Shengdun Zhao, Mingyue Ma, Yongning Liu; Improving strength of cold-drawn wire by martensitic transformation in a 0.65 wt% C low-alloy steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, (2020) 790, 139719.

2. Junjie Sun, Chen Yang, Shengwu Guo, Xuejiao Sun, Mingyue Ma, Shengdun Zhao, Yongning Liu; A novel process to obtain lamella structured low-carbon steel with bimodal grain size distribution for potentially improving mechanical property, Materials Science and Engineering: A, (2020) 785, 139339.

3. Junjie Sun, Yingjun Wang, Shengwu Guo, Yongning Liu*; Effect of prior austenite grain size on isothermal bainite transformation in 65Cr steel, Materials Letter, 2020, 266, 127495.

4. Junjie Sun, Tao Jiang, Yingjun Wang, et al., Utrafine grained dual-phase martensite/ferrite steel strengthened and toughened by lamella structure, Materials Science and Engineering: A, (2018) 734, 311-317.

5. Junjie Sun, Tao Jiang, Yingjun Wang, et al., Effect of grain refinement on high-carbon martensite transformation and its mechanical properties, Materials Science and Engineering: A, (2018) 726, 342-349.

6. Junjie Sun, Yongning Liu, Yuntian Zhu, et al., Super-strong dislocation-structured high-carbon martensite steel. Scientific Reports, (2017) 7.

7. Junjie Sun, Tao Jiang, Yu Sun, et al., A lamellar structured ultrafine grain ferrite-martensite dual-phase steel and its resistance to hydrogen embrittlement, Journal of Alloys & Compounds, (2017) 698, 390-399.

8. Junjie Sun, Tao Jiang, Hongji Liu, et al., Enhancement of impact toughness by delamination fracture in a low-alloy high-strength steel with Al alloying, Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, (2016), 1-9.

9. Junjie Sun, Fuliang Lian, Hongji Liu, et al., Microstructure of warm rolling and pearlitic transformation of ultrafine-grained GCr15 steel, Materials Characterization, (2014) 95, 291-298.

10. Tao Jiang, Junjie Sun, Hongji Liu, et al., A high performance martensitic stainless steel containing 1.5wt% Si, Materials & Design, (2017) 125, 35-45.

11. Yingjun Wang, Junjie Sun, Tao Jiang, et al., A low-alloy high-carbon martensite steel with 2.6 GPa tensile strength and good ductility, Acta Materialia, (2018) 158, 247-256.

12. Hongji Liu, Junjie Sun, Tao Jiang, et al., Improved rolling contact fatigue life for an ultrahigh-carbon steel with nanobainitic microstructure, Scripta Materialia, (2014) 90-91, 17-20.

13. 孙俊杰,柳永宁,江涛,郭生武;一种层状超细晶双相铁素体/马氏体钢及其制备方法,2020-03-31,中国,ZL201711217801.3

14. 孙俊杰,柳永宁,江涛; 一种汽车零件用低碳马氏体非调质钢的制备方法, 2017-10-20, 中国, ZL201510707844.4

15. 孙俊杰,柳永宁,江涛; 一种高强度高韧性层状组织低碳马氏体钢的制备方法, 2018-04-17, 中国, ZL201511028697.4