研究领域一 生物医用金属表面改性及其生物学效应
研究领域二 生物医用高分子对细胞行为调控与再生性能研究
2021年9月至今 必赢242net官网,材料科学与工程学院,表面工程研究室,副教授
2017年9月-2021年9月 必赢242net官网,材料科学与工程学院,表面工程研究室,助理研究员
2017年9月-2020年2月 必赢242net官网,材料科学与工程学院,必赢242net官网专职科研博士后
陕西省自然科学基金青年项目 (2024JC-YBQN-0368),2024.01-2025.12
Yu M, Yang H, Li B, Wang R, Han Y*. Molecular mechanisms of interrod spacing-mediated osseointegration via modulating inflammatory response and osteogenic differentiation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 454: 140141.
Wu J, Kang K, Liu S, Ma Y, Yu M*, Zhao X*. Recent Progress of In Vitro 3D Culture of Male Germ Stem Cells. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 2023, 14(11): 543.
Yu D#, Li B#, Yu M#, Guo S, Guo Z*, Han Y*. Cubic multi-ions-doped Na2TiO3 nanorod-like coatings: Structure-stable, highly efficient platform for ions-exchanged release to immunomodulatory promotion on vascularized bone apposition. Bioactive Materials, 2022, 18: 72-90.
Wang L#, Yu M#, Su Y#. Injectable and biodegradable nanocomposite hydrogels: Outlooks and opportunities. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2022, 10: 1096391.
Yu D#, Guo S#, Yu M#, Liu W, Li X, Chen D, Li B, Guo Z, Han Y*. Immunomodulation and osseointegration activities of Na2TiO3 nanorods-arrayed coatings doped with different Sr content. Bioactive Materials, 2022, 10: 323-334.
Yu M, Lei B*. MicroRNA-5106-based nanodelivery to enhance osteogenic differentiation and bone regeneration of bone mesenchymal stem cells through targeting of Gsk-3α. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2021, 5(23): 8138-8150.
Du Y#, Yu M#, Lu W, Kong J*. Three-dimensional (3D), macroporous, elastic, and biodegradable nanocomposite scaffold for in situ bone regeneration: Toward structural, biophysical, and biochemical cues integration. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2021, 225: 109270.
Yang H# , Yu M#, Wang R, Li B, Zhao X, Hao Y, Guo Z, and Han Y*. Hydrothermally grown TiO2 -nanorods on surface mechanical attrition treated Ti: Improved corrosion fatigue and osteogenesis. Acta Biomaterialia, 2020, 116: 400-414.
Yu M#, Du Y#, Han Y, Lei B*. Biomimetic elastomeric bioactive siloxane-based hybrid nanofibrous scaffolds with miRNA activation: a joint physico-chemical-biological strategy for promoting bone regeneration. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 30(4): 1906013.