2013-2019 西南交通大学 博士(2019年度优秀博士论文)
2017-2018 密歇根州立大学 联合培养
2009-2013 西南交通大学 学士(本校推免保送研究生)
2020-至今 必赢242net官网 助理教授、副教授
7. 2024/03-2025/03 质子汽车科技有限公司(202403149) 12.25万元
车用镁合金焊接工艺技术开发 主持
6. 2022/10-2025/12 府谷县人民政府(20230332) 300万元
基于高品原镁的高品质镁合金示范产线研制 主持
5. 2022/11-2025/11 质子汽车科技有限公司(20221252) 50万元
高品质镁合金设计制备与力学性能研究 主持
4. 2021/09-2022/12 府谷县泰达煤化有限责任公司(202109117) 60万元
高纯净镁合金的制备、性能测试及应用 主持
3. 2021/07-2023/06 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2021M692512) 8万元
微量钇对高纯净Mg-Al-Ca-Mn合金相间协调变形影响机制研究 主持
2. 2021/01-2024/12 国家自然科学基金委员会(52061040) 34万元
微量钇对高屈服强度Mg-Al-Ca-Mn合金增塑作用及机制的研究 主持
1. 2020/10-2022/10 材料先进技术教育部重点实验室开放基金(KLATM202003) 4万元
应力场中镁箔材新相析出致晶界迁移微观热动力学研究 主持
39. L.L. Fan, R. Ni, L.B. Ren*, P. Xiao, Y. Zeng, D.D. Yin, H. Dieringa, Y.D. Huang, G.F. Quan, W. Feng*, Revealing hetero-deformation induced (HDI) hardening and dislocation activity in a dual-heterostructure magnesium matrix composite, J. Magnes. Alloy. Online (2024).
38. L.B. Ren*, Y.R. Zhao, J.J. Li, F. Liu, B.Y. Liu, G. Wu, C.J. Boehlert, Z.W. Shan*, Inhibiting creep in fine-grained Mg-Al alloys through grain boundary stabilization, J. Magnes. Alloy. Online (2024).
37. L.B. Ren*, C.J. Boehlert, G.F. Quan. The effect of Y and Nd additions on the microstructure and creep behavior of AZ80. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2021, 801C: 140397.
36. L.B. Ren*, M.Y. Zhou, C.J. Boehlert, G.F. Quan*. Multi-microalloying mediated grain growth and texture evolution during the high-temperature static recrystallization of AZ80 alloys. J. Alloy. Compd., 2020, 834: 155077.
35. L.B. Ren, M.Y. Zhou, T.H. Lu, L.L. Fan, Y.Y. Guo, Y.W.X. Zhang, C.J. Boehlert*, G.F. Quan*. Eutectic phase strengthening and strain rate sensitivity behaviors of AZ80 magnesium alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2020, 770: 138548.
34. L.B. Ren*, M.Y. Zhou, Y.W.X. Zhang, C.J. Boehlert, G.F. Quan*. Effect of 0.4 wt.% yttrium addition and heat treatment on the high-temperature compression behavior of cast AZ80. J. Mater. Sci., 2019, 54(7): 5757-5772.
33. L.B. Ren, G.F. Quan*, C.J. Boehlert, M.Y. Zhou, Y.Y. Guo, L.L. Fan. The microstructure and mechanical behavior evolution of AZ80 during gradient increment cyclic loading. Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2018, 49A(8): 3692-3702.
32. L.B. Ren, L.L. Fan, M.Y. Zhou, Y.Y. Guo, Y.W.X. Zhang, C.J. Boehlert, G.F. Quan*. Magnesium application in railway rolling stocks: a new challenge and opportunity for lightweighting. Int. J. Lightweight Mater. Manuf., 2018, 1(2): 81-88.
31. L.B. Ren, G.F. Quan*, M.Y. Zhou, Y.Y. Guo, Z.Z. Jiang, Q. Tang. Effect of Y addition on the aging hardening behavior and precipitation evolution of extruded Mg-Al-Zn alloys. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2017, 690: 195-207.
30. L.B. Ren, G.F. Quan, Y.G. Xu, D.D. Yin*, J.W. Lu, J.T. Dang. Effect of heat treatment and pre-deformation on damping capacity of cast Mg-Y binary alloys. J. Alloy. Compd., 2017, 699: 976-982.
29. L.B. Ren, G.F. Quan, Z.Z. Jiang, D.D. Yin*. Atmospheric Heat Dispersion Research of Mg-Al-Zn Magnesium Alloys. Rare Metal Mat. Eng., 2017, 46(5): 1265-1270.
28. L.B. Ren, J. Wu, G.F. Quan*. Plastic behavior of AZ80 alloy during low strain rate tension at elevated temperature. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2014, 612: 278-286.
Non-first author:
27. L.L. Fan, Y.K. Xiaong, Y. Zeng, R. Ni, Y.W.X. Zhang, L.B. Ren, H. Dieringa, Y.D. Huang, G.F. Quan, X. Zhang*, The strength-ductility synergy of magnesium matrix nanocomposite achieved by a dual-heterostructure, J. Mater. Sci. Technol. Online, (2024).
26. Y.W.X. Zhang, L.L. Fan, Y.Y. Guo, M.Y. Zhou, H.B. Yang, L.B. Ren, G.F. Quan*, Discharge performance of Mg-Y binary alloys as anodes for Mg-air batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2023, 460: 142596.
25. Y.W.X. Zhang, L. Han, L.B. Ren, L.L. Fan, Y.Y. Guo, M.Y. Zhou, G.F. Quan*, Effect of yttrium and calcium additions on electrochemical behaviors and discharge performance of AZ80 anodes for Mg-air battery, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2022, 32: 2510-2526.
24. H. Wang, Z. Wang, G. Chen, L.B. Ren, T.B. Tan, Y.Y. Guo, Y. Liu, H.H. Pan*, Diffusion bonding of Zr-2.5Nb zirconium alloy and 304L stainless steel with Nb/Ni hybrid interlayer, Mater. Lett., 2022, 324: 132652.
23. Y.Y. Guo, G.F. Quan*, M. Celikin, L.B. Ren, Y.H. Zhan, L.L. Fan, H.H. Pan*, Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ80M magnesium alloy fabricated by wire arc additive manufacturing, J. Magnes. Alloy, 2022, 10: 1930-1940.
22. M.Y. Zhou, S.X. Gao, Y.L. Zhao, Q.F. Yang, X.H. Liu, L.B. Ren, L.L. Lyu*, G.F. Quan*, M. Gupta, Hybrid (Carbon Nanotube plus Graphene Nanoplatelet)/AZ31 Composite with Simultaneously Enhanced Strength and Ductility, Adv. Eng. Mater, 2022, 24(3): 2100827.
21. M.Y. Zhou, Y.L. Zhao, N. Liao, L.B. Ren, L.L. Lv*, G.F. Quan, M. Gupta, The effects of extrusion ratio on microstructure and mechanical properties of hybrid micron SiC and carbon nanotube reinforced AZ61 composite, Adv. Eng. Mater, 2021, 23: 1-8.
20. Z. Wang, Y.Y. Guo, L.B. Ren, G.F. Quan, Y. Liu, H.H. Pan, Effect of Bonding Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 304L/Zircaloy-4 Diffusion-Bonded Joints with Ni/Ta Hybrid Interlayer, Adv. Eng. Mater, 2021, 23: 1-9.
19. Y.Y. Guo, G.F. Quan, Y.L. Jiang, L.B. Ren, L.L. Fan, H.H. Pan*, Formability, microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of wire arc additively manufactured AZ80M magnesium alloy using gas tungsten arc welding, J. Magnes. Alloy, 2021, 9: 192-201.
18. M.Y Zhou, X.H. Liu, H.F. Yue, S.C. Liu, L.B. Ren, Y. Xin*, L.L. Lyu*, Y.L. Zhao, G.F Quan, M. Gupta, Hot deformation behavior and processing maps of hybrid SiC and CNTs reinforced AZ61 alloy composite, J. Alloys Compd., 2021, 868: 159098.
17. M.Y. Zhou, Y.L. Zhao, N. Liao, L.B. Ren, L.L. Lv*, G.F. Quan*, M. Gupta. The effects of extrusion ratio on microstructure and mechanical properties of hybrid micron SiC and carbon nanotubes reinforced AZ61 composite. Adv. Eng. Mater., 2020, 2001089.
16. T.H. Lu, M.Y. Zhou, L.B. Ren, L.L. Fan, Y.Y. Guo, X.N. Qu, H.T. Zhang, X.W. Lu, G.F. Quan*. Effect of Graphene Nanoplatelets Content on the Mechanical and Wear Properties of AZ31 Alloy. Metals, 2020, 10: 1265.
15. L.L. Fan, M.Y. Zhou, L.B. Ren, H.Y. Li, H.T. Zhang, T.H. Lu, C.L. Liu, G.F. Quan*. The Effect of Equal Channel Angular Pressing on Coarsening Kinetics of AZ80-0.2Y-0.15Ca Alloy in Semisolid State. Adv. Eng. Mater., 2020, 2000415.
14. M.Y. Zhou, L.B. Ren, M. Gupta*, L.L. Fan, Y.W.X. Zhang, T.H. Lu, G.F. Quan*. Progress in Research on Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites. J. Alloy. Compd., 2020, 155274.
13. M.Y. Zhou, L.B. Ren, L.L. Fan, K.S. Tun, M. Gupta*, Y.W.X. Zhang, T.H. Lu, G.F. Quan*. Achieving ultra-high strength and good ductility in AZ61 alloy composites containing hybrid micron SiC and carbon nanotubes reinforcements. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2019, 768: 138447.
12. Y.Y. Guo, H.H. Pan, L.B. Ren, G.F. Quan*. Microstructure and mechanical properties of wire arc additively manufactured AZ80M magnesium alloy. Mater. Lett., 2019, 247: 4-6.
11. Y.T. Tang, C. Zhang, L.B. Ren, W. Yang, D.D. Yin*, G.H. Huang, H. Zhou, Y.B. Zhang*, Effects of Y content and temperature on the damping capacity of extruded Mg-Y sheets, J. Magnes. Alloys, 2019, 7: 522-528.
10. Q.R. Yang, Y. Zeng*, M.Y. Zhou, G.H. Huang, L.B. Ren, J.W. Lu, D.D. Yin, B. Jiang. Effect of yttrium addition (0.2 wt.%) on the hot compression behavior of the as-cast Mg-Sn alloy. Rare Metal Mat. Eng., 2019, 48 (7): 2275-2283.
09. B. Liu, M.Y. Zhou, L.B. Ren, H. Sun, G.F. Quan*. Microstructure and mechanical properties of graphene-reinforced magnesium alloys. Mater. Sci. Tech., 2019, 27(1): 9-15.
08. Y.Y. Guo, H.H. Pan*, L.B. Ren, B.S. Liu, Y. Liu, G.F. Quan*. Effect of Zn interlayer thickness on the interfacial microstructure of two-step diffusion bonded joint of ZK60 and 5083 alloys. Vacuum, 2018, 161: 353-360.
07. Y.Y. Guo, H.H. Pan, L.B. Ren, G.F. Quan*. An investigation on plasma-MIG hybrid welding of 5083 aluminum alloy. Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., 2018, 98(5-8): 1433-1440.
06. M.Y. Zhou, L.B. Ren, G.F. Quan*, X.X. Su. Study on corrosion behavior of as-extruded AZ80 magnesium alloy sheet in wet hydrogen sulfide atmosphere. Mater. Corros., 2018, 69(11): 1620-1630.
05. J.T. Dang, Z.Z. Jiang, L.B. Ren, D.D. Yin, G.F. Quan*. Microstructure and hot deformation behavior of as-extruded AZ631M magnesium alloy. Rare Metal Mat. Eng., 2018, 47(4): 1293-1301.
04. M.Y. Zhou, X.N. Qu, L.B. Ren, L.L. Fan. Y.W.X. Zha ng, Y.Y. Guo, G.F. Quan*, Q. Tang, B. Liu. H. Sun. The effects of carbon nanotubes on the mechanical and wear properties of AZ31 alloy. Materials, 2017, 10(12): 1385.
03. M.Y. Zhou, X.X. Su, L.B. Ren, D.D. Yin, G.F. Quan*, Y.B. Zhang. Tensile deformation behavior of as-extruded Mg-3A1-3Zn-1Ti-0.6RE magnesium alloy at elevated temperature. Rare Metal Mat. Eng., 2017, 46(8): 2149-2155.
02. J.W. Lu, D.D. Yin*, L.B. Ren, G.F. Quan. Tensile and compressive deformation behavior of peak-aged cast Mg-11Y-5Gd-2Zn-0.5Zr (wt%) alloy at elevated temperatures. J. Mater. Sci., 2016, 51(23): 10464-10477.
01. G.F. Quan*, L.B. Ren. Process and property of superplastic mould forged AZ80 wheel hub. Mater. Sci. Forum, 2014, 788: 12-16.
Chapter (2):
02. M.Y. Zhou, L.B. Ren, G.F. Quan, M. Gupta*. Chapter 1.10, Solid Phase Processing of Metal Matrix Composites. Chapter in Encyclopedia of Materials, 2020. (Book chapter)
01. G.F. Quan*, L.B. Ren, M.Y. Zhou. Solutionizing and Age Hardening of Aluminum Alloys. Chapter in Comprehensive Materials Finishing, 2017, 372-397. (Book chapter)
8. 单智伟, 羿昌波, 任凌宝, 刘明, 李金金, 赵宇茸, 刘章, 彭芯钰. 一种电化学测试的电磁屏蔽及固定保护装置. ZL202223095092.5
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5. 单智伟, 李金金, 任凌宝, 程晓华, 彭芯钰, 赵宇茸, 羿昌波. 一种耐蚀镁合金的熔炼装置及熔炼方法. CN202310251795.2
4. 任凌宝, 单智伟, 李金金, 王一涵, 羿昌波. 一种适于锻造成形的超塑性高导热镁合金. CN202310896310.5
3. 任凌宝, 单智伟. 一种具备超高热导率的低成本耐蚀变形镁合金及其制备方法. CN202311173514.2
2. 单智伟, 赵宇茸, 任凌宝, 羿昌波, 李金金, 王帅, 刘泽宇, 谢千峰. 镁合金多液流顺序合金化净密铸锭方法及其装置. CN202311565521.7
1. 任凌宝, 练政希, 程晓华, 秦元斌, 单智伟. 一种高强韧的耐蚀耐热镁合金及其制备方法. CN202311812568.913.
1. 任凌宝等, 高导热镁合金设计、制备与性能 (邀请报告), 第十五届中国有色金属学会青年科技论坛, 中国·哈尔滨, 2024.08.16
2. 单智伟,任凌宝等, 高品质镁合金在商用车领域应用进展 (特邀报告), 中国材料大会2024, 中国·广州, 2024.07.08.
3. Lingbao Ren, et al., Progress of high-quality magnesium alloy applications on commercial vehicle (Invited Talk), 81st World Magnesium Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, 2024.05.20.
4. 任凌宝等, 多元微合金化镁合金显微组织调控与3D超塑性成形 (特邀报告). 中国有色金属学会第十二届学术年会, 中国·重庆, 2019.09.20.
5. Lingbao Ren, et al., Magnesium application in railway rolling stocks: a new challenge and opportunity for lightweighting (Invited Talk), 75th World Magnesium Conference, New Orleans, USA, 2018.05.16.