1. 高品质镁合金
2. 金属基复合材料
3. 轻合金加工成形
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2020. 12–2024.12 必赢242net官网 机械工程学院 博士后
2017.03-2020.12 必赢242net官网 必赢242net官网 博士(校优博)
2019.09-2020.09 新加坡国立大学 机械工程学院 联合培养博士
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2011.09-2015.07 湖南大学 必赢242net官网 学士
1. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金,52402296,30万,主持
2. 府谷县人民政府课题(全惰性气体保护下高品质镁合金的冶炼加工及示范产线研制),202409146,120万,主持
3. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2021M692518,8万,主持
4. 中央高校基本业务费-学科交叉类,xjh032021065,15万,主持
5. 陕西省自然科学基金,2022JQ-331,5万,主持
6. 中铁宝桥集团有限公司横向课题,202405145,15万,主持
7. 宝鸡市础石金属检测有限责任公司横向课题,202309196,主持
8. 中铁宝工有限责任公司横向课题,20220466,主持
9. “十四五”国家重点研发计划,2021YFB3701204, 2300万元,参与
10. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,52275376,54万元,参与
11. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金,51805408, 24万元,参与
1. P. Xiao*, Y. Gao, Y. Sheng, C. Yang, Z. Liu, Y. Yi, W. Wu, Q. Zhao, M. Gupta*, Improving wear and corrosion resistances of Mg2Si/AZ91 composites via tailoring microstructure and intrinsic properties of Mg2Si induced by Sb modification, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 12(11) (2024)4493-4508.
2. P. Xiao, Y. Gao*, C. Yang, Y. Li, X. Huang, Q. Liu, S. Zhao, F. Xu, M. Gupta*, Strengthening and toughening mechanisms of Mg matrix composites reinforced with specific spatial arrangement of in-situ TiB2 nanoparticles, Composites Part B: Engineering 198 (2020) 108174.
3. P. Xiao*, Q. Zhao, W. Wu, Significant Microstructure refinement and improved mechanical properties of Mg2Si/Al Composites Induced by Nanoscale TiB2 Particles, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 55(9) (2024) 3463-3477.
4. P. Xiao*, Q. Zhao, Y. Gao, H. Yang, W. Wu, Interface characteristics and tensile fracture behavior of CoCrFeNi/6061Al matrix composites fabricated via spark plasma sintering and heat treatment, Materials Characterization 208 (2024) 113685.
5. P. Xiao*, Q. Zhao, Y. Sheng, C. Yang, Y. Gao, W. Wu, Z. Liu, Y. Yi*, Superior strength–toughness synergy of heterogeneous TiB2p/AZ91 composites containing hard/soft zones via tailoring bimodal grain structure, Materials Science and Engineering: A 887 (2023) 145775.
6. P. Xiao*, Y. Gao, C. Yang, Y. Dong, X. Huang, Y. Wang, S. Yang, Effect of Sb doping on microstructure, mechanical and electronic properties of Mg2Si in Mg2Si/AZ91 composites by experimental investigation and first-principles calculation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 902 (2022) 163859.
7. Y. Dong, P. Xiao*, Y. Gao, Q. Zhao, H. Yang, Microstructure refinement and mechanical properties of eutectic Mg2Si reinforced Mg matrix composites containing Sr element, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 17 (2022) 2614-2623.
8. P. Xiao*, Y. Gao, P. Mao, C. Yang, K.S. Tun, S. Yang, X. Huang, Q. Liu, S. Zhao, M. Gupta*, Revealing modification mechanism of Mg2Si in Sb modified Mg2Si/ AZ91 composites and its effect on mechanical properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 850 (2021) 156877.
9. P. Xiao*, Y. Gao*, F. Xu, S. Yang, B. Li, Y. Li, Z. Huang, Q. Zheng, An investigation on grain refinement mechanism of TiB2 particulate reinforced AZ91 composites and its effect on mechanical properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 780 (2019) 237-244.
10. P. Xiao*, Y. Gao*, F. Xu, S. Yang, Y. Li, B. Li, S. Zhao, Hot deformation behavior of in-situ nanosized TiB2 particulate reinforced AZ91 Mg matrix composite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 798 (2019) 1-11.
11. P. Xiao*, Y. Gao*, F. Xu, C. Yang, Y. Li, Z. Liu, Q. Zheng, Tribological behavior of in-situ nanosized TiB2 particles reinforced AZ91 matrix composite, Tribology International 128 (2018) 130-139.
12. P. Xiao*, Y. Gao, C. Yang, Z. Liu, Y. Li, F. Xu, Microstructure, mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms of Mg matrix composites reinforced with in situ nanosized TiB2 particles, Materials Science and Engineering: A 710 (2018) 251-259.
13. P. Xiao*, Y. Gao*, S. Yang, Y. Li, S. Zhao, Q. Liu, Investigations on microstructure, mechanical properties and tribological behavior of in-situ Mg2Si particles reinforced AZ91 composites, Materials Research Express 6(12) (2020) 1265f8.
14. 赵奇强,高义民,杨莎莎,肖鹏*.半固态等温热处理对原位Mg2Si/AZ91复合材料组织及性能的影响[J].必赢242net官网学报,2022,56(10):190-200.
15. 杨莎莎,高义民*,肖鹏,徐飞行,李烨飞.Sb变质对原位Mg2Si/AZ91复合材料组织的影响[J].必赢242net官网学报,2019,(10):48-56.
1. 单智伟,李党勇,肖鹏,王鹏飞,刘博宇,郭峰祥,甘涛,高乐乐,用于金属材料生产的全惰性气体保护厂房及其使用方法,202411851113.2
2. 肖鹏,董奕雪,高义民,杨昊城,赵奇强,一种层状镁-镁基复合材料板材及其制备方法和应用,中国ZL2021114711441,2023-01-03,.
3. 肖鹏,董奕雪,高义民,赵奇强,杨昊城,一种Mg2Si增强镁基复合材料板材及其制备方法,中国ZL202210192799.3, 2023-03-17.
4. 肖鹏,高义民,董奕雪,赵奇强,杨昊城,一种医用镁基复合材料棒材及其制备方法,中国ZL202111424898.1, 2022-12-09.
5. 高义民,肖鹏,李烨飞,徐飞行,杨莎莎,李博,刘志伟,刘宪民,刘庆坤,一种微米级Al3Ti和Mg2Si增强镁基复合材料及其制备方法,中国ZL201910362397.1,2021-11-19.
6. 高义民,肖鹏,李烨飞,杨莎莎,徐飞行,李博,刘志伟,刘宪民,刘庆坤,一种双尺寸复相颗粒增强镁基复合材料及其制备方法,2019-09-03,CN110195182A.
7. 李烨飞,肖鹏,高义民,徐飞行,王娟,郑开宏,刘志伟,杨翠翠,一种高塑性原位纳米颗粒增强镁基复合材料及其制备方法,2019-06-25,CN109930041A.
8. 高义民,杨莎莎,肖鹏,李烨飞,刘志伟,李博,刘宪民,刘庆坤,一种改善镁合金中Mg2Si强化相组织和形貌的方法,2019-08-23,CN110157929A.
1. Establishment of a demonstration line for preparing high-quality Mg alloys in a full inert gas-protected environment, The 8th International Conference on Magnesium (ICM 8) & The 13th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and their Applications (Mg 2024), (Chongqing, 2024.11.03, Oral)
2. 多层级非均匀构型镁基复合材料设计制备与强韧化机理,第五届中国新材料产业发展大会(湖北武汉,2024.10.15,邀请报告)
3. 镁基复合材料组织调控与强韧化机制,第七届全国镁合金青年学术会议(辽宁沈阳,2024.4.23,邀请报告)
4. TiB2p/AZ91非均匀复合构型设计制备与强韧化,第八届全国有色金属结构材料制备/加工及应用技术交流会暨2022中国结构材料大会(江苏南京,2022.8.5,邀请报告)