l 研究领域一 材料微观组织与性能关系
l 研究领域二 材料纳米尺度力学性能研究
l 工作经历一 2012.01至2013.01 在西班牙巴塞罗那大学从事博士后研究
l 工作经历二 2013.04至今 在必赢242net官网工作
l 科研项目一 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目《面心立方金属静力韧性的内外尺度效应研究》
l 科研项目二 参与国家重点研发计划项目《基于高通量实验和计算的材料结构-性能数据采集与数据库融合技术》
l 学术成果
l H. C. Zhang, Y. Meng, L.F. Song, L. Q. Luo, Y. B. Qin, N. Han, Z. X. Yang, L. Liu, J. C. Ho, and F. Y. Wang, High-performance enhancement-mode thin-film transistors based on Mg-doped In2O3 nanofiber networks. Nano Research DOI: 10.1007/s12274-017-1735-8 (2017)
l W. Gao, M. Yan, H. Y. Cheung, Z. M. Xia, X. M. Zhou, Y.B. Qin, C. Y. Wong, J. C. Ho, C. R. Chang, Y. Q. Qu, Modulating electronic structure of CoP electrocatalysts towards enhanced hydrogen evolution by Ce chemical doping in both acidic and basic media. Nano Energy, 38, 290 (2017)
l L. G. Qin, H. X. Wu, J. D. Guo, X. A. Feng, G. N. Dong, J. Y. Shao, Q.F. Zeng, Y. L. Zhang, Y. B. Qin, Fabricating hierarchical micro and nano structures on implantable Co–Cr–Mo alloy for tissue engineering by one-step laser ablation. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 161, 628 (2018)
l J. Y. Li, Z. M. Xia, X. M. Zhou, Y. B. Qin, Y. Y. Ma, Y. Q. Qu, Quaternary pyrite-structured nickel/cobalt phosphosulfide nanowires on carbon cloth as efficient and robust electrodes for water electrolysis. Nano Research 10(3), 814 (2017)
l Y. C. Wang, L. Tian, F. Liu, Y. B. Qin, G. Zheng, J. T. Wang, E. Ma, and Z. W. Shan, Helium ion microscope fabrication causing changes in the structure and mechanical behavior of silicon micropillars. Small, 13, 1601753 (2017).
l Z. Y. Zhang, J. Li, W. Gao, Z. M. Xia, Y. B. Qin, Y. Q. Qu, and Y. Y. Ma, Thermally stable sandwich-type catalysts of Pt nanoparticles encapsulated in CeO2 nanorod/CeO2 nanoparticle core/shell supports for methane oxidation at high temperatures. RSC Advances 6, 40323 (2016).
l M. Fang, W. Gao, G. F. Dong, Z. M. Xia, S. Yip, Y. B. Qin, Y. Q. Qu, J. C. Ho, Hierarchical NiMo-based 3D electrocatalysts for highly-efficient hydrogen evolution in alkaline conditions. Nano Energy 27, 247 (2016)
l M. H. Harunsani, J. Li, Y. B. Qin, H. F. Tian, J. Q. Li, H. X. Yang, and R. I. Walton, Spontaneous formation of circular and vortex ferroelectric domain structure in hexagonal YMnO3 and YMn0.9Fe0.1O3 prepared by low temperature solution synthesis. Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 062905 (2015).
l L. Wang, Y. G. Shi, Z. Chen, Y. B. Qin, H. F. Tian, C. Ma, H. X. Yang, A. A. Belik, Synthesis, structural and physical properties of ScMn2O4. Solid State Commun. 153, 71 (2013).
l C. Ma, Y. B. Qin, H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, J. Q. Li, K. Sardar, R. I. Walton, D. Su, L. J. Wu, and Y. M. Zhu, Microstructure and oxidation states in multiferroic Lu2(Fe,Mn)3O7. J. Appl. Phys. 112, 094105 (2012).
l H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, Z. Wang, Y. B. Qin, C. Ma, J. Q. Li, Z. Y. Cheng, R. Yu, and J. Zhu, Effect of oxygen stoichiometry in LuFe2O4-δ. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 435901 (2012).
l M. Zeng, J. Liu, Y. B. Qin, H. X. Yang, J. Q. Li, J. Y. Dai, Dielectric tunability and magnetoelectric coupling in LuFe2O4 epitaxial thin film deposited by pulsed-laser deposition. Thin Solid Films 520, 6446 (2012).
l S. Cao, J. Li, Z. Wang, H. F. Tian, Y. B. Qin, L. J. Zeng, C. Ma, H. X. Yang, and J. Q. Li, Extreme chemical sensitivity of nonlinear conductivity in charge-ordered LuFe2O4. Scientific Reports 2, 330 (2012).
l Y. Chen, J. Y. Dai, K. Au, K. H. Lam, Y. B. Qin, H.X. Yang, Temperature-dependent piezoelectric and dielectric properties of charge-ordered Lu2Fe2.1Mn0.9O7. Materials Letters 68, 54 (2012).
l S. Cao, J. Li, H. F. Tian, Y. B. Qin, L. J. Zeng, H. X. Yang, and J. Q. Li, Nonlinear transport properties and Joule heating effect in charge ordered LuFe2O4. Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 102102 (2011).
l H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, Y. J. Song, Y. B. Qin, Y.G. Zhao, C. Ma, and J. Q. Li, Polar nanodomains and giant converse magnetoelectric effect in charge-ordered Fe2OBO3. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 016406 (2011).
l H. L. Shi, H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, C. Ma, J. B. Lu, Z. W. Wang, Y. B. Qin, Y. J. Song, and J. Q. Li, Structural and physical properties of CaFe2As2. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72, 420 (2011).
l Z. W. Wang, H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, H. L. Shi, J. B. Lu, Y. B. Qin, Z. Wang, and J. Q. Li, Structural and physical properties of SrMn2As2. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72, 457 (2011).
l R. Wang, H. X. Yang, Y. B. Qin, B. Dong, J. Q. Li, and J. M. Zhao, Photoluminescence in electronic ferroelectric Er1−xYbxFe2O4. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 073507 (2010).
l H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, Y. Zhang, Y. B. Qin, L. J. Zeng, C. Ma, H. L. Shi, and J. B. Lu, Phase separation and ferroelectric ordering in charge-frustrated LuFe2O4-δ. Solid State Commun. 150, 1467 (2010).
l Y. J. Song, H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, C. Ma, Y. B. Qin, L. J. Zeng, H. L. Shi, J. B. Lu, and J. Q. Li, Charge-ordering transition and incommensurate antiphase structure of Fe2BO4 as seen via transmission electron microscopy. Phys. Rev. B 81, 020101(R) (2010).
l H. L. Shi, H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, J. B. Lu, Z. W. Wang, Y. B. Qin, Y. J. Song, and J. Q. Li, Structural properties and superconductivity of SrFe2As2−xPx(0.0≤x≤1.0) and CaFe2As2−yPy(0.0≤y≤0.3). J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 125702 (2010).
l Y. B. Qin, H. X. Yang, L. Wang. H. F. Tian, C. Ma, Y. Li, H. L. Shi, and J. Q. Li, Structure, charge ordering and physical properties of Yb2Fe3O7. Eur. Phys. J. B 75, 231 (2010).
l H. X. Yang, Y. Zhang, Y. B. Qin, C. Ma, H. F. Tian, and J.Q. Li, Electronic ferroelectricity, charge ordering and structural phase transitions in LuFe2O4(LuFeO3)n (n=0 and 1). Phys. Status Solidi B 247, 870 (2010) Feature article.
l Y. B. Qin, H. X. Yang, Y. Zhang, H. F. Tian, C. Ma, L. J. Zeng, and J. Q. Li, Suppression of the current leakage in charge ordered Lu2Fe2Fe1−xMnxO7 (0<x≤0.86). Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 072901 (2009).
l C. Ma, H. X. Yang, L. J. Zeng, Z. A. Li, Y. Zhang, Y. B. Qin, and J. Q. Li, Effects of layered structural features on charge/orbital ordering in (La, Sr)n+1MnnO3n+1 (n = 1 and 2). J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 045601 (2009).
l Y. B. Qin, H. X. Yang, Y. Zhang, H. F. Tian, C. Ma, Y. G. Zhao, R. I. Walton, and J. Q. Li, The effect of Mg doping on the structural and physical properties of LuFe2O4 and Lu2Fe3O7. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 015401 (2009).
l L. J. Zeng, H. X. Yang, Y. Zhang, H. F. Tian, C. Ma, Y. B. Qin, Y. G. Zhao and J. Q. Li, Nonlinear current-voltage behavior and electrically driven phase transition in charge-frustrated LuFe2O4. Europhys. Lett. 84, 57011 (2008).
l C. Ma, L. J. Zeng, H. X. Yang, H. L Shi, R. C. Che, C. Y. Liang, Y. B. Qin, G. F. Chen, Z. A. Ren, and J. Q. Li, Structural properties and phase transition of RFeMO(R = La, Nd;M= As, P) materials. Europhys. Lett. 84, 47002 (2008).