必赢242net官网材料科学与工程学院教授,博士生导师,工学博士。1994年必赢242net官网工程力学系本科毕业,获工学学士学位;1997年必赢242net官网航空航天学院硕士毕业,获工学硕士学位;2001年必赢242net官网机械工程学院毕业,获工学博士学位。主持承担“十三五”国防基础科研重大项目子课题2项;国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、军工预研项目1项、陕西省自然科学项目2项、西安市科学技术项目1项、校基金项目3项、企业课题多项,科研总到款779万。在国内外学术期刊发表论文72篇,其中SCI检索54篇, EI检索67篇。获得国家发明专利4项
l 2003.12-至今,必赢242net官网材料科学与工程学院,教师
l 2001.9-2003.11,必赢242net官网材料科学博士后流动工作站,博士后
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,极端工况条件下高速地面测试设备的高超声速干滑动摩擦磨损特性研究,2021.01 -2024.12,58万,主持;
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,超高速下干滑动摩擦磨损特性,2015.1-2018.12,84万,主持;
5. 陕西省自然科学基金面上项目,残余应力对纳米摩擦磨损行为的影响机理研究,2014.8-2016.8, 主持;
6. 军工项目,“XXX摩擦、热烧蚀研究及结构优化设计”,40万,2014.1-2016.12,主持;
7. 中国核动力研究设计院, 集成计算平台系统集成建设研究, 20190183,158万,2019.1-2020.12,主持;
8. 沈阳透平机械股份有限公司,SLM金属3D打印镍718热等静压工艺及性能研究,202007129,75万,2020.1-2021.12,主持;
9. 校综合交叉学科项目, 基于特征应变法的经典残余应力问题分析,2013.12-2015.12, 主持;
10. 校自由探索项目,激光原位制备FeAl涂层工艺调控及性能表征, 2013.12-2015.12, 主持;
11. 陕西省自然科学基金面上项目,磨粒磨损接触微观分子动力学研究, 2010.1-2012.12, 主持;
12. 校自由探索项目, 磨损过程中微观接触破坏机理,2010.12-2012.12, 主持;
13. 西安市科技计划项目,基于DSP的聚苯乙烯快速成形机专用集成运动系统研究,2007.1-2008.12, 主持;
14. 企业项目,涂层冲蚀试验,2018.1-2018.12, 主持
15. 企业项目,封严涂层冲蚀性能结构优化设计,2013.1-2013.12, 主持;
16. 企业项目,发电机组振幅监测系统研发,2012.1-2012.12, 主持;
17. 企业项目,大型聚苯乙烯快速成形机研发,2008.6-2009.12, 主持。
1. Kun Sun*, Weixiang Peng, et.al., Friction and WearCharacteristics of 18Ni(300) Maraging Steel under High-Speed Dry Sliding Conditions, Materials 2020, 13, 1485.
2. Kun Sun*, Juan Chen, et.al., Size-Dependent Mechanical Properties of Amorphous SiO2 Nanowires: A Molecular Dynamics Study, Materials,2020, 13,5110.
3. Meng Zhang, Kun Sun*, et.al., Influence of grain boundary activites on elastic and plastic deformation of nanocrystalline Cu as studied by phase filed and atomistic simulation, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 187(2020) 105911.
4. Weixiang Peng, Kun Sun*, et.al., Strengthening mechanisms of graphene coatings on Cu film under nanoindentation: A molecular dynamics simulation, Applied Surface Science 487 (2019) 22–31
5. Weixiang Peng, Kun Sun*, et.al., Effects of graphene coating on the plastic deformation of single crystal copper nanocuboid under different nanoindentation modes, Materials Chemistry and Physics 225 (2019) 1–7
6. Kun Sun*, Weixiang Peng, et.al., Effect of SLM Processing Parameters on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Al0.5CoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloys, Metals, 2020, 10, 292.
7. Kun Sun, Junqin Shi, Lifeng Ma*. Atomistic Insights into the Effects of Residual Stress during Nanoindentation, Crystals 2017, 7, 240
8. Peng Weixiang, Sun Kun*, Effects of Cu/graphene interface on the mechanical properties of multilayer Cu/graphene composites, Mechanics of Materials 141 (2020) 103270
9. Weixiang Peng, Kun Sun*, et.al., Effects of Deep Cryogenic Treatment on the Microstructures and Tribological Properties of Iron Matrix Self-Lubricating Composites, Metals 2018, 8, 656
10. Meng Zhang, Juan Chen, Kun Sun*, et.al., The effect of point defects caused by particle bombardment on the deformation behaviours of lpha-iron: A molecular dynamics simulation, Materials Chemistry and Physics 241 (2020) 122414.
11. Meng Zhang, Weixiang Peng, Hongliang Zhang, Bingjie Wu, Kun Sun*, Liang Fang, The effect of PKA directions on the primary radiation damage in the alphairon nanowires, Materials Chemistry and Physics 232 (2019) 16–22.
12. Junqin Shi, Yanan Zhang, Kun Sun*,et.al., Effect of water film on the plastic deformation of monocrystalline copper,RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 96824–96831
13. Meng Zhang, Ting Xu, Meie Li, Kun Sun⁎, Liang Fang. Constructing initial nanocrystalline configurations from phase field microstructures enables rational molecular dynamics simulation, Computational Materials Science 163 (2019) 162–166.
14. Junqin Shi, Xinqi Wei, Juan Chen, Kun Sun*, et.al., Influence of Abrasive Shape on the Abrasion and Phase Transformation of Monocrystalline Silicon, Crystals 2018, 8, 32
15. Sun Kun, Shen, Weitao, Ma, Lifeng. The influence of residual stress on incipient plasticity in single crystal copper thin film under nanoindentation, Computional Materials Science, 2014(81), 226-232
16. Sun Kun, Fang Liang, Yan Zhiyang, Sun Jiapeng. Atomistic scale tribological behaveiors in nano grained and single crystal copper systems, Wear, 2013(303),191-201
17. Sun Kun, Fang Liang, Yan Weilin, Li Bo, Wang Yiqing. Kinetics of Surface Nanocrystallization for Hadfield Steel in Shot Peening, Advanced Science Letters,2011(4)1862–1866
18. Sun Kun, Li Bo, Fang Liang, Ye Qingguang. A Novel Rapid Prototyping System for Expandable Polystyrene, Rapid Prototyping Journal,2011(17)17-27
19. Sun Kun, Cheng Jian, Liu Xudong, Fang Liang, Ma Lifeng. In-Situ Fabrication of Fe–Al Intermetallic Coating by Laser Remelting, Journal of Mechatronics, 2014(2)1-5
20. Sun Kun, Lu Bingheng. Study on 3-D Solidification Simulation of Casting,2001 International Conference on eCommerce Engineering(ICeCE 2001), Xi’an China
21. Ma Lifeng, Sun Kun(*). A direct approach for modeling ion exchange residual stress distribution in glass, The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2014(45)445-451
22. Fang Liang,Sun Kun(*),Shi Junqin,et al. Movement patterns of ellipsoidal particles with different axial ratios in three-body abrasion of monocrystalline copper: a large scale molecular dynamics study, Rsc Advances,2017(43),7, 26790~26800.
23. Junqin SHI, Liang FANG*, Kun SUN*, et.al., Surface removal of a copper thin film in an ultrathin water environment by a molecular dynamics study, Friction 8(2):
24. Junqin Shi, Juan Chen, Liang Fang*, Kun Sun*, Atomistic scale nanoscratching behavior of monocrystalline Cu influenced by water film in CMP process, Applied Surface Science 435 (2018) 983–992
25. Junqin Shi, Juan Chen, Kun Sun*, Liang Fang*,Water film facilitating plastic deformation of Cu thin film under different nanoindentation modes: A molecular dynamics study,Materials Chemistry and Physics 198 (2017) 177e185
26. Shi Junqin,Zhang Yanan,Sun Kun*,Effect of water film on the plastic deformation of monocrystalline copper, Rsc Advances, 2016 (99), 6, 96824-96831.
27. Sun Jiapeng, Fang Liang, Sun Kun, Han Jing. Direct observation of dislocations originating from perfect twin boundaries,SCRIPTA MATERIALIA,2011( 65)501-504
28. Yan Weilin, Fang Liang, Sun Kun. Thermodynamics of nanocrystilline formation in surface layer of Hadfield steel by shot peening, Materials Science & Engineering A 445(2007) 392-397
29. Yan Weilin, Fang Liang, Sun Kun. Effect of surface work hardening on wear behavior of Hadfield steel, Materials Science & Engineering A 460(2007) 542-549
30. Fang Liang, Zhao Jia, Sun Kun, Zheng Degang, Ma Dexin. Temperature as sensitive monitor for efficiency of work in abrasive flow machining,Wear, 2009(266)678-687)
31. Fang Liang, Cen Qihong, Sun Kun. FEM computation of groove ridge and Monte Carlo simulation in two-body abrasive wear,Wear 2005 (258) 265–274
32. Ma Lifeng, Korsunsky A.M., Sun Kun. Contact of coated systems under sliding conditions, Journal of Tribology 128(2006) 886-890
33. Fang Liang, Sun Kun, Cen Qihong. Particle movement patterns and their prediction in abrasive flow machining,Tribotest 2007 (13), 195–206
34. Zhao Yucheng, Sun Kun, Zhang Yahong, Xu Qingyu. Fractal dimension of time series applied to identification of critical speed of jeffcott rotor system, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2005(18)446-448
35. 张兴广,孙琨等,Fe-Cr-Ni合金中点缺陷形成及相互作用的第一性原理研究. 原子分子物理学报,2020年05期
36. 魏兵辉, 孙琨等,高速干滑动摩擦系数的有限元仿真计算研究,必赢242net官网学报,2020年06期
37. 徐勇勇, 孙琨等,选区激光熔化制备Al0.5CoCrFeNi高熵合金的工艺参数及组织性能,必赢242net官网学报. 2018年01期
38. 王云鹏, 孙琨等,18Ni(300)钢高速干滑动摩擦磨损特性研究,摩擦学学报. 2017年02期
39. 薛进进, 孙琨等,30CrMnSiNi2A钢干滑动摩擦磨损特性研究, 摩擦学学报. 2016年05期
40. 孙琨, 方亮, 叶庆光, 黄晓慧, 严伟林. 聚苯乙烯快速成形加工参数对表面粗糙度的影响, 必赢242net官网学报, 2007(41)344-348
41. 孙琨, 方亮, 岑启宏, 叶庆光, 龚道明. 新型聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料模三维快速制造技术, 特种铸造及有色合金, 2006(26)725-728
42. 孙琨,岑启宏,方亮,带有装配定位系统的STL模型直接生成算法研究,机械制造.2004 (42)24-26
43. 孙琨,马雷,方亮,卢秉恒.基于STL数据的快速原型分割制作算法研究,机械制造2003 ( 41) 11-14
44. 孙琨,岑启宏,许云华,方亮,数值模拟技术在双金属复合弯管研制中的应用,铸造技术, 2003 (24)272-274
45. 孙琨, 王伊卿, 卢秉恒. 基于RP的快速金属模具制造精度控制研究,中国机械工程,2002 (13)60-63
1. 孙琨, 叶庆光, 赵嘉, 蔡洪能, 方亮. 基于柱坐标的泡沫塑料三维快速成形方法及装置, ZL200810231896.9, 2010
2. 方亮, 孙琨, 余豪, 黄晓慧, 岑启宏, 黄新华, 徐学武. 聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料模型的快速成型方法及其数控加工设备, ZL03134410.0, 2006
3. 林荣会,岑启宏, 孙琨, 方亮. 一种改性酚醛树脂及其制备方法, ZL03134408.9, 2005
4. 方亮, 岑启宏, 许云华, 孙琨. 镁合金表面热压敷膜防腐处理的方法, ZL 03134409.7, 2005