高义民: 二级教授,博士生导师,政府特殊津贴获得者,国家科学技术奖评审专家,陕西省科学技术奖评审专家
简 历:
1989年7月硕士毕业于必赢242net官网并留校任教,1995年获得必赢242net官网铸造专业工学博士学位,2001年7月批准为教授,2005年6月批准为博 士生导师。现任必赢242net官网副院长,主管本科生、研究生的教学管理工作;兼任陕西省铸造学会副理事长,中国机械工程学会复合材料技术委员会委员, 《铸造》、《铸造技术》、《热加工工艺》编委。
1. 科研项目:主持完成国家自然科学基金4项、国家863计划2项,省部省校合作产学研及企业合作项目20余项。目前主持的在研科技项目:
2)国家863计划“大型钢铁基复合材料构件制备技术及规模应用”,2013.1-2016.12, 280万元,
4)广东省应用型科技研发专项“强韧耐磨耐蚀高品质特种合金材料制备技术及产业化”,2015.11- 2018.10,100万元。
5)广东省省级科技计划项目“增材制造陶瓷-金属复合框架技术开发及其在复合材料领域的应用”,2015-06-01 至 2017-08-31,45万元。
2. 科研获奖:
3. 发表SCI论文:近5年在Corrosion Science、Wear、Tribology International、Tribology Letters等国外知名刊物发表SCI论文60余篇,影响因子IF>3的论文6篇,IF>2的论文20篇。
1)Ting Min, Yimin Gao, Li Chen, et al. Mesoscale investigation of reaction diffusion and structure evolution during Fe–Al inhibition layer formation in hot-dip galvanizing,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 92 (2016) 370–380 (SCI,IF=2.383)
2)Yucheng Zhou, Yimin Gao, Shizhong Wei, et al. Preparation and characterization of Mo/Al2O3 composites. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 2016, 54: 186-195 (SCI,IF=2.16)
3)Wang XX, Gao YM, Li YF, et al. Effect of yttrium on the corrosion behaviour of 09CrCuSb alloy in NaCl solution. Corrosion Science, 2014, 87:211-217 (SCI,IF=3.686)
4)Hejie Yang, Yimin Gao,Weichao Qin, Yefei Li. Microstructure and corrosion behavior of electroless Ni-P on sprayed Al-Ce coating of 3003 aluminum alloy. Surface & Coatings Technology 281 (2015) 176-183 (SCI,IF=2.374)
5)Xiuqing Li, Yimin Gao, Wu Pan, et al. Fabrication and characterization of B4C-based ceramic composites withdifferent mass fractions of hexagonal boron nitride. Ceramics International, 2015, 41(1): 27~36(SCI,IF=2.605)
6)Xiuqing Li, Yimin Gao, Wu Pan, et al.Effect of hBN content on the friction and wear characteristics of B4C-hBN ceramic composites under dry sliding condition. Ceramics International, 2015, 41(3):3918~3926(SCI,IF=2.605)
7)Xiuqing Li, Yimin Gao, Qingxia Yang, et al.Evaluation of tribological behavior of B4C-hBN ceramic composites under water-lubricated condition. Ceramics International, 2015, 41(6): 7387~7393(SCI,IF=2.605)
8)Wu Pan,Yimin Gao,Xiuqing Li. et al. Tribological Behavior of B4C/hBN Ceramic Composites Sliding Against Gray Cast Irons Without Lubrication. Tribol Lett (2015) 60:10(SCI,IF=2.088)
9)Yan, Jingbo;Gao, Yimin;Yang, Fang;Bai, Yaping;Liu, Yiheng;Yao, Caiying;Hou, Shuzeng;Liu, Guangzhu,Cyclic carburizing behavior of Al modified high Si-containing HP40 alloy Corrosion Science,67,pp 161-168(2013) (SCI,IF=3.615)
10)Ma, Lifeng;Gao, Yimin;Yan, Jingbo;Wang, Xinxin;Sun, Liang;Li, Xiuqing, Effect of pre-oxidization on the cyclic cooking and carburizing resistance of HP40 alloy:With and without yttrium modification,Corrosion Science,75,pp 193-200(2013) (SCI,IF=3.615)
11)Wang, Xinxin;Gao, Yimin;Li, Kuang;Yan, Jingbo;Li, Yefei;Feng,Jianbo, Effect of yttrium on the corrosion behavior of 09CrCuSb alloy in concentrated sulphuric acid, Corrosion Science, 69, pp 369-375 (2013) (SCI, IF=3.615)
12)Yan, Jingbo;Gao, Yimin;Shen, Yudi;Yang, Fang;Yi, Dawei;Ye, Zhaozhong;Liang, Long;Du, Yingqian, Effect of yttrium on the oxide scale adherence of pre-oxidized silicon-containing heat-resistant alloy, Corrosion Science, 53(11), pp 3588-3595(2011) (SCI, IF=3.734)
13)Yan, Jingbo;Gao, Yimin;Liang, Long;Ye, Zhaozhong;Li, Yefei;Chen, Wei;Zhang, Jianjun, Effect of yttrium on the cyclic oxidation behavior of HP40 heat-resistant steel at 1373K, Corrosion Science, 53(1), pp 329-337(2011) (SCI, IF=3.734)
14)Liang Sun; YiminGao; Bing Xiao; Yefei Li; Guoliang Wang, Anisotropic elastic and thermal properties of titanium borides by first-principles calculations, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 579, pp 457-467(2013) (SCI, IF=2.390)
15)Xiaobo Di;Yimin Gao;Chonggao Bao;Shengqiang Ma, Thermal insulation property and service life of vacuum insulation panels with glass fiber chopped strand as core materials, Energy and Buildings 73(2014)176_183 (SCI, IF=2.679)
16)Li, Yefei;Gao,Yimin; Xiao,Bing; Min,Ting; Yang, Ying; Ma, Shengqiang; Yi, Dawei, The electronic, mechanical properties and theoretical hardness of chromium carbides by first-principles calculations, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509(17), pp 5242-5249(2011) (SCI, IF=2.1350)
17)Eryong Liu; Gao, Yimin; JunhongJia; YapingBai; Wenzhen Wang, Microstructure and mechanical properties of in situ NiAl-Mo2C nanocomposites prepared by hot-pressing sintering, Materials Science&Engineering A, 592(2014)201-206 (SCI, IF=2.108)
18)Li, Yefei; Gao, Yimin; Xiao, Bing; Min, Ting; Ma, Shengqiang; Yi, Dawei, Theoretical calculations on the adhesion, stability, electronic structure, and bonding of Fe/WC interface, Applied Surface Science, 257(13), pp 5671-5678(2011)(SCI, IF=2.112)
19)Yan, Jingbo; Gao, Yimin; Yang, Fang; Yao, Caiying; Ye, Zhaozhong; Yi, Dawei; Ma, Shengqiang, Effect of tungsten on the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of yttrium modified HP40Nb alloy, Materials Science andEngineering A-Structural Material Properties Microstructure and Processing, 529, pp 361-369(2011) (SCI, IF=2.003)
20)Eryong Liu; JunhongJia; YapingBai; Wenzhen Wang; Gao, Yimin, Study on preparation and mechanical property of nanocrystallineNiAl intermetallic, Materials and Design, 53(2014)596-601 (SCI, IF=2.913)
4. 授权发明专利:近5年获国家发明专利授权18件,其中第一发明人7件:
1)一种抗高温磨损的含铝合金钢及其制备方法,ZL201310221514.5,授权公告日:2015.07.01, 第1发明人
5. 人才培养:任职以来已培养博士研究生21人,硕士研究生50余人。