陈 凯

职 称:








2011.08 – 2016.09       必赢242net官网       副教授

2016.10 – 至今            必赢242net官网       教  授







4、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51302207、微纳尺度VO2 的力致相变机制及力电耦合性能研究、2014/01- 2016/1225万元、已结题、主持。




1.       Kai Chen*, N. Tamura, B. C. Valek and K. N. Tu, Plastic deformation in Al (Cu) interconnects stressed by electromigration and studied by synchrotron polychromatic X-ray microdiffraction, Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 013513, 2008

2.       Kai Chen*, N. Tamura, M. Kunz, K. N. Tu, and Yi-Shao Lai, In situ measurement of electromigration-induced transient stress in Pb-free Sn-Cu solder joints by synchrotron radiation based X-ray polychromatic microdiffraction, Journal of Applied Physics, 106, 023502, 2009

3.       Kai Chen, N. Tamura, Wei Tang, M. Kunz, Yi-Chia Chou, K. N. Tu, and Yi-Shao Lai, High precision thermal stress study on flip chips by synchrotron polychromatic X-ray microdiffraction, Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 063502, 2010

4.       Kai Chen, Martin Kunz, Nobumichi Tamura, and Hans-Rudolf Wenk, Evidence for high stress in quartz from the impact site of Vredefort, South Africa European Journal of Mineralogy, 23(2), 169-178, 2011

5.       Kai Chen, Martin Kunz, Nobumichi Tamura, and Hans-Rudolf Wenk, Deformation twinning and residual stress in calcite studied using synchrotron polychromatic x-ray microdiffraction, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 38(6), 491-500, 2011

6.       Hua Guo#, Kai Chen#, J. Oh, S. A. Syed Asif, O. L. Warren, Z. Shan, Kevin Wang, J. Wu, and A. M. Minor (# joint first author), Mechanics and Dynamics of the Strain-Induced M1-M2 Structural Phase Transition in Individual VO2 Nanowires, Nano Letters, 11, 3207-3213, 2011

7.       K. Chen*, C. Dejoie, and H. R. Wenk, Unambiguous indexing of trigonal crystals from white-beam Laue diffraction patterns: application to Dauphiné twinning and lattice stress mapping in deformed quartz, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 45, 982-989, 2012

8.       A. Lupinacci, K. Chen*, Y. Li, M. Kunz, Z. Jiao, G.S. Was, M.D. Abad, A.M. Minor, and P. Hosemann* (* joint corresponding authors), Characterization of ion beam irradiated 304 stainless steel utilizing nanoindentation and Laue microdiffraction, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 458, 70-76, 2015

9.       Kai Chen, Martin Kunz, Nobumichi Tamura, and Hans-Rudolf Wenk, Residual stress preserved in quartz from the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth, Geology, 43(3), 219-222, 2015

10.   Yao Li, Liang Wan, and Kai Chen*, A look-up table based approach to characterize crystal twinning for synchrotron X-ray Laue microdiffraction scans, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 48, 747-757, 2015

11.   Jiawei Xue, Anfeng Zhang, Yao Li, Dan Qian, Jingchun Wan, Baolu Qi, Nobumichi Tamura, Zhongxiao Song, and Kai Chen*, A synchrotron study of microstructure gradient in laser additively formed epitaxial Ni-based superalloy, Scientific Reports, 5, 14903, 2015

12.   Yao Li, Dan Qian, Jiawei Xue, Jingchun Wan, Anfeng Zhang, Nobumichi Tamura, Zhongxiao Song, andKai Chen*, A synchrotron study of defect and strain inhomogeneity in laser-assisted three-dimensionally-printed Ni-based superalloy, Applied Physics Letters, 107, 181902, 2015

13.   Hao Shen, Wenxin Zhu, Yao Li, Nobumichi Tamura, and Kai Chen*, In situ synchrotron study of electromigration induced grain rotations in Sn solder joints, Scientific Reports, 6, 24418, 2016

14.   Klaus-Dieter Liss* and Kai Chen*, Frontiers of synchrotron research in materials science, MRS Bulletin, 41, 6, 435-441, 2016

15.   Guangni Zhou, Wenxin Zhu, Hao Shen, Yao Li, Anfeng Zhang, Nobumichi Tamura, and Kai Chen*, Real-time microstructure imaging by Laue microdiffraction: A sample application in laser 3D printed Ni-based superalloys, Scientific Reports, 6, 28144, 2016

16.   Kai Chen, Martin Kunz, Yao Li, Eloisa Zepeda-Alarcon, Manuel Sintubin, and Hans-Rudolf Wenk,Compressional residual stress in Bastogne boudins revealed by synchrotron X-ray microdiffraction, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 21, 6178-6185, 2016

17.   Dan Qian, Anfeng Zhang, Jianxue Zhu, Yao Li, Wenxin Zhu, Baolu Qi, Nobumichi Tamura, Dichen Li, Zhongxiao Song, and Kai Chen*, Hardness and microstructural inhomogeneity at the epitaxial interface of laser 3D-printed Ni-based superalloy, Applied Physics Letters, 109, 101907, 2016 (APL Editor's Pick).


1. 一种碳包覆铜纳米线的低温自焊接方法,201510246707.5,单智伟,陈凯,万景春,沈昊,王晓光

2. 一种晶体微观结构的同步辐射可视化表征方法,201610177788.2,陈凯,朱文欣,沈昊,周光妮,李尧


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