丁 俊

职 称:











2019.11─至今,    必赢242net官网,材料科学与工程学院,教授




2014    美国约翰霍普金斯大学,博士

2010   上海交通大学,学士




长期致力于无序合金材料的结构-性能关系、金属材料的力学变形行为等方面研究。迄今已发表30余篇SCI论文,总引用1800余次;其中以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表20余篇论文,包括Nat. Mater., PNAS, Nat. Comm., Acta Mater., npj Comput. Mater., Mater. Res. Lett.等杂志。研究工作被美国能源部选为研究热点,并且被Phys.org报道。

ResearchID:      https://publons.com/researcher/2688738/jun-ding/


1. Y.C. Wang+, J. Ding+, Z. Fan+, L. Tian+, M. Li, H.H. Lu, Y.Q. Zhang, E. Ma*, J. Li*, Z.W. Shan* Tension-compression asymmetry in amorphous silicon.  Nature Materials (2021)

2. J. Ding*, L. Li*, N. Wang, L. Tian, M. Asta, R.O. Ritchie & T. Egami*. Universal nature of the saddle states of structural excitations in metallic glasses. Materials Today Physics, 17, 100359 (2021)  

3. Q. Wang*, J. Ding*, L.F. Zhang, E. Podryabinkin, A. Shapeev, E. Ma. Predicting the propensity for thermally activated β events in metallic glasses via interpretable machine learning. npj Computational Materials 6, 194 (2020)

4. R.P. Zhang+, S. Zhao+ , J. Ding, Y. Chong, T. Jia, C. Ophus, M. Asta, R.O. Ritchie & A. Minor*. Short-range order and its impact on the CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy, Nature 581, 283-287 (2020)

5. J. Ding, Q Yu, M. Asta M* and R.O. Ritchie*. Tunable stacking fault energies by tailoring local chemical order in CrCoNi medium-entropy alloys. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 115, 8919-8924 (2018)

6. N. Wang, J. Ding*, F. Yan, M. Asta, R.O. Rithie and L. Li*. Spatial correlation of elastic heterogeneity tunes the deformation behavior of metallic glasses. npj Computational Materials, 4, 19 (2018)

7. J. Ding, M. Asta* and R.O. Ritchie*. On the question of fractal packing structure in metallic glasses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 114, 8458-8463 (2017)

8. J. Ding* and E. Ma*. Computational Modelling sheds light on structural evolution in metallic glasses and supercooled liquids. npj Computational Materials, 3, 9 (2017)

9. J. Ding, Y.Q. Cheng, H.W. Sheng, M. Asta, R.O. Ritchie and E. Ma*. Universal Structural Parameter to Quantitatively Predict Metallic Glass Properties. Nature Communications, 7, 13733 (2016)  

10. J. Ding, S. Patinet, M.L. Falk, Y.Q. Cheng and E. Ma*. Soft spots and their structural signature in a metallic glass. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)  111 (39): 14052-14056 (2014)

11. J. Ding, Y.Q. Cheng and E. Ma*. Full icosahedra dominate local order in Cu64Zr36 metallic glass and supercooled liquid. Acta Materialia 69:343-354. (2014)

12. J. Ding*, Y.Q. Cheng and E. Ma. Charge-transfer-enhanced prism-type local order in amorphous Mg65Cu25Y10: Short-to-medium-range structural evolution underlying liquid fragility and heat capacity. Acta Materialia 61(8):3130-3140. (2013)

13. J. Ding*, Y.Q. Cheng and E. Ma. Quantitative measure of local solidity/liquidity in metallic glasses. Acta Materialia 61(12):4474-4480. (2013)