
职 称:










2022.9至今 必赢242net官网,材料科学与工程学院,教授

2019.12-2022.7 美国俄亥俄州立大学,Fontana腐蚀中心,Research Scientist

2016.11-2019.11 美国俄亥俄州立大学,Fontana腐蚀中心,博士后

2010.9-2016.7 中国科学院金属研究所,保送硕博连读

2006.9-2010.6 中南大学,粉末冶金研究院,学士








在腐蚀领域重要期刊发表论文30余篇,其中以第一作者发表17篇,包括Corrosion Science 9篇、Journal of Electrochemical Society 5篇、Acta Materialia 1篇、Electrochimica Acta 1篇、Electrochemistry Communications 1篇,合作论文包含Nature Materials等。上述工作被国际腐蚀专家评价为“局部腐蚀领域近几十年最具创新性工作”、“具有极大的理论价值”、“促进了金属腐蚀电化学理论的发展”,并被多家科研媒体及腐蚀综述文章报导。


1. Tianshu Li* and G.S. Frankel,Repassivation underneath salt film on stainless steel pitsCorrosion Science, 203 (2022) 110353.

2. Tianshu Li*, Szu-Chia Chien, Zhe Ren, Wolfgang Windl, Frank Ernst, G.S. Frankel,Understanding the Efficacy of Concentrated Interstitial Carbon in Enhancing the Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steel,Acta Materialia, 221 (2021) 117433.

3. Tianshu Li*, Jun Wu, Xiaolei Guo, Anup M. Panindre, G.S. Frankel,Activation energy of metal dissolution in local pit environments,Corrosion Science, 193 (2021) 109901.

4. Tianshu Li*,D. E. Perea,D. K. Schreiber, Mark G.Wirth,GrahamJ. Orren, G. S. Frankel,Cryo-based structural characterization and growth model of salt film on metal,Corrosion Science, 174 (2020) 108812.

5. Tianshu Li*, Jun Wu, G.S. Frankel,Localized Corrosion: Passive Film Breakdown vs. Pit Growth Stability,Part VI.Pit dissolution kinetics of different alloys and a model for pitting and repassivation potentials,Corrosion Science, 182 (2021) 109277.

6. Tianshu Li*, J.R. Scully, G.S. Frankel,Localized Corrosion: Passive Film Breakdown vs. Pit Growth Stability,Part V. Validation of a new framework for pit growth stability using one-dimensional artificial pit electrodes,Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (2019) C3341-C3354.

7. Tianshu Li*, J.R. Scully, G.S. Frankel,Localized Corrosion: Passive Film Breakdown vs. Pit Growth Stability,Part IV. The role of salt film in pit growth: A Mathematical Framework,Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (2019) C115-C124.

8. Tianshu Li*, J.R. Scully, G.S. Frankel,Localized Corrosion: Passive Film Breakdown vs. Pit Growth Stability,Part III. A unifying set of principal parameters and criteria for pit stabilization and salt film formation,Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 165 (2018) C762-C770.

9. Tianshu Li*, J.R. Scully, G.S. Frankel,Localized Corrosion: Passive Film Breakdown vs. Pit Growth Stability,Part II. A model for critical pitting temperature,Journal of the Electrochemical Society,165 (2018) C484-C491.

10. Tianshu Li,O.J. Swanson, G.S. Frankel, A.Y. Gerard, P. Lu, J.E. Saal, J.R. Scully,Localized corrosion behaivor of a single-phase non-equimolar high entropy alloy,Electrochimica Acta, 306 (2019) 71-84.