
职 称:











时间 学校/单位 专业方向/研究领域 学位/职位

2023年02月-至今 必赢242net官网 材料物理,电介质复合材料 特聘研究员

2022年06月-2023年01月 美国康涅狄格大学材料系 电介质复合材料 研究助理教授

2018年09月-2022年05月 美国康涅狄格大学材料系 电介质复合材料 博士后

2013年09月-2018年09月 必赢242net官网电信学院 电子科学与技术 硕博连读

2009年09月-2013年07月 必赢242net官网电信学院 电子科学与技术 本科



王轶飞博士共发表SCI论文50余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在材料领域权威期刊Adv. Mater.、Adv. Sci.、Nano Energy、Energy Storage Mater.、Small, J. Mater. Chem. A、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces等发表论文20篇,包括一作ESI高被引论文4篇,获得授权中国发明专利1项, 并获得“中国复合材料学会优秀博士学位论文提名奖”等荣誉。所发表论文共被引用2500余次,h因子20。王轶飞博士受邀担任J. Mater. Chem. A、J. Mater. Chem. C、Composite Part B、Adv. Mater. Interfaces、RSC Advances、IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul.等知名期刊审稿人,获得了2022及2021年度High Voltage期刊优秀审稿人奖(全球仅10人入选),担任期刊J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.客座编辑。

英文:Dr. Yifei Wang has been committed to the research of polymer-based dielectric composite materials for a long time. Aiming at the major challenges of high conductivity and low breakdown field strength faced by highly polarized dielectric composite materials, he proposed the idea of limiting charge transport through structural design. While retaining the composition and polarization strength of the composite material, the electrical insulation performance has been greatly improved, the paradox between high polarization and high insulation has been overcome, and a breakthrough has been made in the characteristics of dielectric energy storage.

Dr. Yifei Wang has published more than 50 SCI papers, among which he is the first/corresponding author in 20 authoritative journals Adv. Mater., Adv. Sci., Nano Energy, Energy Storage Mater., Small, J. Mater. Chem. A, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, etc., including 4 ESI highly cited papers. He obtained 1 authorized Chinese invention patent and received the "Excellent Doctorate Degree Dissertation Award of the Chinese Society of Composite Materials. The published papers have been cited more than 2,500 times, with an h-factor of 20. Dr. Wang Yifei was invited to serve as a reviewer for well-known journals such as J. Mater. Chem. A, J. Mater. Chem. C, Composite Part B, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, RSC Advances, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. He won the 2022 and 2021 High Voltage Journal Excellent Reviewer Award (only 10 researchers in the world were selected), and served as the guest editor of the journal J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.





参与美国国家科学基金委产学研合作大学站点项目(NSF HVT-1650544),2018.09-2023.01,结题




1. Yifei Wang, Yi Li, Linxi Wang, Qibin Yuan, Jie Chen, Yujuan Niu, Xinwei Xu, Qing Wang, Hong Wang, Gradient-layered polymer nanocomposites with significantly improved insulation performance for dielectric energy storage. Energy Storage Mater. 24, 626-634 (2020). (ESI highly cited paper)

2. Yifei Wang, Linxi Wang, Qibin Yuan, Jie Chen, Yujuan Niu, Xinwei Xu, Yatong Cheng, Bin Yao, Qing Wang, Hong Wang, Ultrahigh energy density and greatly enhanced discharged efficiency of sandwich-structured polymer nanocomposites with optimized spatial organization. Nano Energy 44, 364-370 (2018). (ESI highly cited paper)

3. Y. Wang, Z. Li, T. J. Moran, L. A. Ortiz, C. Wu, A. C. Konstantinou, H. Nguyen, J. Zhou, J. Huo, K. Davis-Amendola, P. Zhou, B. D. Huey, Y. Cao, Interfacial 2D Montmorillonite Nanocoatings Enable Sandwiched Polymer Nanocomposites to Exhibit Ultrahigh Capacitive Energy Storage Performance at Elevated Temperatures. Adv Sci (Weinh), e2204760 (2022).

4. Yifei Wang, Zongze Li, Chao Wu, Peinan Zhou, Jierui Zhou, Jindong Huo, Kerry Davis, Antigoni Konstantinou, Hiep Nguyen, and Yang Cao. "Polyamideimide dielectric with montmorillonite nanosheets coating for high-temperature energy storage." Chemical Engineering Journal 437 (2022): 135430.

5. Yifei Wang, Zongze Li, Chao Wu, Yang Cao, High-temperature dielectric polymer nanocomposites with interposed montmorillonite nanosheets. Chem. Eng. J. 401, 126093 (2020).

6. Y. Wang, J. Cui, Q. Yuan, Y. Niu, Y. Bai, H. Wang, Significantly Enhanced Breakdown Strength and Energy Density in Sandwich-Structured Barium Titanate/Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Nanocomposites. Adv. Mater. 27, 6658-6663 (2015). (ESI highly cited paper)

7. Yifei Wang, Jin Cui, Linxi Wang, Qibin Yuan, Yujuan Niu, Jie Chen, Qing Wang, Hong Wang, Compositional tailoring effect on electric field distribution for significantly enhanced breakdown strength and restrained conductive loss in sandwich-structured ceramic/polymer nanocomposites. J. Mater. Chem. A 5, 4710-4718 (2017). (ESI highly cited paper)

8. Yifei Wang, Jie Chen, Yi Li, Yujuan Niu, Qing Wang, Hong Wang, Multilayered hierarchical polymer composites for high energydensity capacitors. J. Mater. Chem. A 7, 2965-2980 (2019).

9. Yifei Wang, Linxi Wang, Qibin Yuan, Yujuan Niu, Jie Chen, Qing Wang, Hong Wang, Ultrahigh electric displacement and energy density in gradient layer-structured BaTiO3/PVDF nanocomposites with an interfacial barrier effect. J. Mater. Chem. A 5, 10849-10855 (2017).

10. Yifei Wang, Shamima Nasreen, Deepak Kamal, Zongze Li, Chao Wu, Jindong Huo, Lihua Chen, Rampi Ramprasad, Yang Cao. Tuning surface states of metal/polymer contacts toward highly insulating polymer-based dielectrics. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 13, 46142-46150 (2021).